
May 31, 2020

Content Warning: Description of systemic and recent instances of violence against black people for context. Please take care of yourself if you wish to continue - we love you.

FoolsFURY condemns racist violence in all its forms and decries the hatred, bigotry and racist practices that affect us all and serve the few.

Last week, George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota by a white police officer using violent force. On March 26th, Breonna Taylor was killed in her home in Louisville, Kentucky by the police with a “no-knock warrant.” Statistics around the COVID pandemic show us the majority of people dying in disproportionate numbers from the virus are Black, Indigenous, and people of color - many with limited resources or infrastructure due to systemic segregation. This racial violence in the midst of a global pandemic has made clear the current inequities of our social justice system and underscores the culture of violence against black bodies that has existed since the founding of this country. 

Enough. It’s time we create a new system grounded in transformative and liberative practices.

We believe that Black Lives Matter.  Black folks are us all: fellow artists, colleagues, community partners, audiences, family and friends.  We stand in solidarity with the black community as a reminder that no one is free until everyone is free. We advocate for longterm, systemic liberation and radical social change. 

Real transformation includes everyone. The true spirit of the ensemble theater community we envision can only be achieved with greater access, equity and transformative justice. Our silence makes us complicit so it’s our responsibility to respond publicly. We urge you to join us in taking action in support of the black community. We call on other white, white-passing and POC friends, colleagues, fellow artists, audience members and theater organizations with the privilege and access to voice your concerns, take action and stand in solidarity in this challenging time.