Fenner is a multifaceted theater maker and adventure artist. They produced Picasso's fever dream play Desire Caught by the Tail out of the Lottie Rose Art house with Fire House Art Collective, and was the founding ensemble director of Agile Rascal Bicycle Touring Theater's 2015 cross country tour. They have performed and trained with foolsFURY, Naked Empire Buffon Company, Ragged Wing Ensemble, Theater of Yugen, Chick Flick improv and LiarLiar Theater Co. Other credits include: Best of the 2013 Fringe Festival in 'O Best Beloved' with Idiot String Productions. Fenner helped develop the role of 'performance guide' for Neurosociety at the PACE institute with David Byrne and Mala Gaonkar and ghost writes for burlesque around the bay. They also dapple in stand up comedy, butoh, songwriting, MC/hosting and event production, and excel at hospitality; namely brunch. They have a BA in Theater and Performance studies from The University of California at Berkeley.